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Voyage au Pays de Galles

Classe des TELFC

Bath's Group Posté le Lundi 2 Mars 2009 à 09h32


My name is Sylvain Robillart.

I am a 19 years old. I am living in St Laurent des Autels.

My hobbies are football and scientific magazines.

In my work experience placement, I have worked in "Anjou automation".



My name is Benjamin Robin, I am 18 years old. I live in La Romagne.

My hobbies are horses, games and going out with my friends.

In my work experience placement, I have worked in "Groupe Grimaud".



My name is Damien, I am 19 yeard old.

I live in Cholet.

I like vidéo games, listening to music and doing parties.

During my last work experience placement, I worked in "SOREEL" society.


We are studying Electrotechnic in second year of Bac Pro.

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