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*welc0me t0 my bl0g*


presentation Publié le Jeudi 6 Décembre 2007 à 14:59:18




my name is Julie and I'm sixteen years old.

I live 25km away from amiens, in Le Mesge.It's a very little village.

Amiens is situated in the north of France, in Picardie.

I study in a highschool, Michelis.It's a public school.

I have one sister her name is Charlotte

and one half-sister her name is Ambre.

two half-brother their names are Simon and Enzo

They are 15; 9; 6and 5 years old.

i haven't got pet

chocolate and the sun.

but I hate the rain and spiders.

i would like to meet english speaking people.










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demonstations Publié le Jeudi 6 Décembre 2007 à 15:50:11

Demonstrations in Michelis...


This week, there are a lOt Of demOnstratiOns fOr a law that says that university can't be free anymOre and that there will be universities fOr intelligent peOple and universities fOr bad pupils.

We dO a blOg tO imprOve Our english.



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Myy boo Publié le Jeudi 13 Décembre 2007 à 14:46:35

my bOo


>M3Lanii3      *                        °                             

 >Lucii3  °             *       -           *   

  >M3LOdii3          °

   >Vanii     *             *      °        - 

    >FamboO      -                     °

     >TiibOO            °       *

      >Marii3    °                         *

     >KeviinOO      -       °

    >Est3LL3 XtwOO               °      *

   >Marii3-charLOtt3          *               °

  >Ludiiviin3          °

 >Jeann3      *           -           °

>Mariin3             *                    °              

 >H3l3n3  °                   *                 

  >ChOcO         *                °   ° 

   >El3Oo    -         °                      *

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