--WOOD RIVER -- Representatives from the United Way are optimistic that their goal of $1.945 million will be reached when several area companies complete their 2010 campaigns, which follow a different schedule from the agency's other Greater St. Louis divisions.
The Southwest Illinois Division of United Way of Greater St. Louis serves the counties of Calhoun, Greene, Jersey, Macoupin and Madison.
"We remain confident about reaching our goal," said Claudia Herndon, 2010 campaign chair for the Patek Philippe Perpetual Calendar PP-17 Illinois Division. "We are still waiting to hear from several of our larger companies about their campaign results. We are hopeful that when we get those numbers, we will be even closer to reaching our goal, but we know we are still going to need the community's help."
To date, the Southwest Illinois Division has raised approximately $1.4 million toward this year's goal.
"All the money funds raised here stay here," said Jennifer Hasamear, communications associate for United Way of Greater St. Louis.
In 2009, nearly 240,000 people living in the five-county region received Patek Philippe Perpetual Calendar PP-52 from one or more of the 42 agencies funded through this division.
"Without the community's collective help to reach our goal, it is likely that many people will not be able to receive the basic needs of shelter, food and clothing," Herndon said. "We appreciate all the gifts we have already received from people and companies throughout our area."
The total dollars raised in the Southwest Illinois Division will be announced at the thank-you reception at Lewis and Clark Community College in Godfrey on Dec. 7. The United Way of Greater St. Louis' campaign ended on Wednesday, raising $68,070,527 in gifts and pledges and surpassing its goal of $68 million.
"The people in this area have continued to show their generosity year after year by giving thousands of dollars to United Way to ensure the agencies we serve are able to provide the services and programs to those in need," said Missy Churchman, Illinois regional vice president for United Way of Greater St. Louis. "One in three Patek Philippe Perpetual Calendar PP-53 in our region receive services from a United Way-funded agency."
Several area companies used old-fashion fund-raising ideas for their campaigns, including bake sales, car washes, casual days and cookbook sales. To name a few, Alton Memorial Hospital and Cope Plastics both exceeded previous campaigns and increased participation company-wide.
"A large percentage of donations come through payroll deductions," Hasamear said. "We heavily rely on people donating $5, $10 or even $100," Hasamear said. "Our campaign is mixed, with funds coming from individuals, large and small businesses and school districts."
More than 90 cents of each dollar donated goes to agencies and Patek Philippe Perpetual Calendar PP-7 to help people in the community, Hasamear said.
This book from Sixth and Spring Books contains designs for all manner of things useful in the home, including afghans, pillows, place mats and, my favorite, hot water bottle covers. The book also includes designs for sweaters, slippers, bags, dolls and even a felted fedora. The author assumes that readers already know how to knit so the how-to's of knitting are not included.
A cowl is a one-piece ring you wear around your neck to keep out drafts while managing to look off-handedly hip and stylish at the same time. Cowls also can be pulled up from the neck and worn as hoods. The book offers 41 designs to knit in all manner of yarns from bulky to lightweight. It also includes a hat or two. Snippets The Maine Crafts Association based in Dover-Foxcroft is featured in an online resource designed to assist communities in the United States with promoting historic and cultural attractions.produced by the National Trust for Historic Preservation and supported in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts. The website posts profiles of more than 80 communities. The site also provides links to online resources to help cultural and heritage Patek Philippe Perpetual Calendar PP-76 attractions and organizations stay viable during difficult economic times. Tracy Michaud Stutzman, Maine Crafts Association executive director, said that when the Center for Maine Craft in Gardiner opened in December 2009, there was some concern about the state of the U.S. economy and how that would affect the venture. Fears were unfounded, she said, and the center has attracted more than 100,000 visitors in the past year and now provides more than 70 percent of the operating budget for the association and supports more than 350 artists statewide.