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vcsale war gold world

über mutant guild conglomerate TwentyFifthNovember Posté le Dimanche 16 Novembre 2008 à 07h13
Just an hour ago, we reported that über mutant guild conglomerate TwentyFifthNovember, a merger of two of the world's bleeding edge guilds -- SK Gami wow gold ng and Nihilum -- bea warcraft gold t the 'entry-level' raid of Naxxramas buy warcraft gold . This was fast, although not entirely unexpected considering that Naxxramas was an old-world raid that was retuned for 25-man (and 10-man) content. However, TwentyFifthNovember's website reports that they have also wow powerleveling defeated Malygos, currently the end, and supposedly most difficult, boss of current Wrath of the Lich King content wow gold (Icecrown and Arthas will be accessible in a future patch). Their website says 'soon...' but I didn't take that to mean 'right now'.

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