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Youth Ahead!

Ambition et Action.

Temoignages de Jeunes Actifs dans le monde. Posté le Mercredi 3 Octobre 2007 à 15h32



Qu'est-ce qui vous inspire?

It inspires me when I read about those who are active in society. They don’t have the attitude held by so many: “I’m going to change the world, but I’ll start tomorrow.” The people who inspire me are those who are already out there. They don’t do it to get attention but they do it because they want to be the change they wish to see. They know that young people’s opinions are seen as whispers, but they understand that whispers create voices. Even if their project wasn’t a 100% success, they tried and they gave it a go.

Parlez-nous d'un sujet qui vous concerne en particulier,comment avez vous pris conscience des enjeux, et comment avez-vous été amené à vous engager?

Many issues matter to me. When I was 12, my family moved from the city into a country area and it was a culture shock! I wasn’t happy so I decided I could change what I didn’t like or at least give it a go. I started looking at local issues, and then I became aware of national and international issues, becoming involved in them also. Just a few of the issues that concern me nationally are: youth depression, and the fact that 1 in 5 young people in Australia suffer from depression every year. Internationally, there are a lot of issues: a key issue would be the lack of aid sent to Sudan, where an approximate 1.2 million people are displaced. Children in conflict are another issue, which concerns me greatly. When I am older, I would like to work overseas to try and help solve these injustices.

Partagez vos perspectives sur ce qui fait un bon leader.

I believe a good leader is a person who knows when they need to take charge. At the same time, they can let other people take lead and work with them to achieve the common goal. Leaders must be tough enough to fight but tender enough to cry. Leaders must be human enough to make mistakes, but also humble enough to admit them. Leaders must be adventurous enough to get knocked down but resilient enough to get back up and keep on moving. The world needs leaders!!!

Megha V

Qu'est-ce qui vous inspire?

For me life in itself is an Inspiration!! There isn't any one thing that I can think of!!Everyday there are so many things that inspire me..However one thing which has always inspired me is Mother Nature. It is so inspirational to see how nature operates around us. It makes one feel closer to the almighty. I always wish to remain in tune with my surroundings as it has such a positive influence in my life.

Parlez-nous d'un sujet qui vous concerne en particulier,comment avez vous pris conscience des enjeux, et comment avez-vous été amené à vous engager?

The world that we live in has endless problems and issues that we all read or hear about. One such issue is children..It could be child abuse, child labour, child prostitution or anything which involves the exploitation of children. I truly feel that children are the future of the world. It is imperative to provide them with knowledge, assistance and love which they deserve. It disheartens me to see that their are people around who can be cruel to children without having any mercy.

I am very keen to make people around me aware about issues related to children so that we all can together try and help!

Partagez vos perspectives sur ce qui fait un bon leader.

I believe not everyone has what it needs to become a leader!!My idea of a great leader would be Mahatma Gandhi! A leader who never forced his views onto anyone. A leader who raised the level of an individuals conscious. A leader who lead with courage, love, respect and dignity.
I feel a man first needs to be a good human being before becoming a leader. A leader is not made by power but by the qualities which sets him/her apart from the rest.


Traci-Ann Johns

Qu'est-ce qui vous inspire?

I am inspired by the work of other young persons not only in my own country but worldwide. I am also inspired by the work of one Youth serving organisation in particular in Jamaica and that is the National Center For Youth Development. This organisation has shown me that persons still care about youth and still work to ensure and secure a bright future for them.

Parlez-nous d'un sujet qui vous concerne en particulier,comment avez vous pris conscience des enjeux, et comment avez-vous été amené à vous engager?

There are several issues that matter to me but one in particular is the Education of young persons. I hold the belief that Education is Key and that everyone has the right to a primary and secondary education. As our Education Ministry Slogan says "Every Child Can Learn, Every Child Must".
I wasn't made aware of the degree of some of the issues that exist in our education system until i was appointed a Youth Ambassador in
2006. In attending conferences and organising intervention sessions, i became aware of the issues and how they affect the young persons on a whole and i have dedicated the remainder of my tenure to working in a Education portfolio to improve the system where i can with the support of the other Ambassadors an other youth organisations.

Partagez vos perspectives sur ce qui fait un bon leader.

A good leader listens to others and is open to suggestions. A leader knows about team work and being equal with persons. Its not about what u can do as an individual but how well you can inspire and motivate persons to do what needs to be done.

A good leader not only leads but knows when its time to follow and a good leader never seeks praise for the work done but rather seeks positive results.





Qu'est-ce qui vous inspire?

Ce qui m'inspire, c'est le monde! Mon inspiration me vient à travers la rencontre de l'autre, la rencontre des autres cultures. Je suis passionnée par la nature humaine, c'est ce qui me donne l'envie de contribuer à rendre le monde meilleur dans la limite de mes possibilités! Je suis très engagée dans les domaines de l'accès à l'éducation et aux TICs pour tous, le droit des femmes et les problèmes de l'environnement, en particulier les problèmes de la désertification, du changement climatique et du manque d'eau sur la Terre.

Parlez-nous d'un sujet qui vous concerne en particulier,comment avez vous pris

conscience des enjeux, et comment avez-vous été amené à vous engager?

Je me suis beaucoup investie, autant personnellement que financièrement dans le projet FCI Fortin Contre l'Ignorance qui est un centre éducatif, culturel et sportif déstiné aux enfants et jeunes d'une zone rurale de Tunisie nommée Bir Salah. J'ai participé à la réalisation de ce centre en recherchant les partenaires qui pouvaient nous offrir des livres pour créer une bibliothèque, des ordinateurs pour créer une médiathèque ainsi que du mobilier pour accueillir les enfants dans les meilleures conditions. Aussi ce centre permit-il à 3 jeunes femmes de travailler et de s'épanouir à travers cet emploi puisqu'elle s'occupe du soutien scolaire, des animations...Je me suis beaucoup investie car j'ai participé au rangement de la bibliothèque, la formation des bénévoles à l'informatique et la mise en place des règles de base dans le centre. C'est aussi moi qui ai médiatisé l'évènement à travers un site Internet et des affiches et qui ai motivé l'équipe de jeunes qui a participé à la création du FCI.

Partagez vos perspectives sur ce qui fait un bon leader.

Selon moi, un bon leader doit être quelqu'un de cultivé et ouvert sur le monde. Il doit savoir écouter toutes les opinions mais aussi pouvoir argumenter et défendre ses idées. Un bon leader doit être un visionnaire, un inventif, qui n'a pas peur de réaliser ses rêves. Il doit aimer les autres et être attentif à la souffrance de chacun tout en sachant choisir les meilleurs solutions pour le bien de la communauté toute entière. Un bon leader ne doit pas être interessé par l'argent, le pouvoir ou la gloire mais doit être altruiste et vouloir seulement aider sa communauté à avancer vers l'avenir dans la paix et la sérénité. Il doit aimer ce qu'il fait et être réellement motivé et convaincu par ses idées.


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