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Youth Ahead!

Ambition et Action.

Global Youth Service Day

Des millions de jeunes des pays du monde entier vont mettre en lumière et développer des milliers de projets pour des améliorations communautaires. 

Cette journée sera un moyen pour les organisations locales, nationales et internationales de :

- CONSTRUIRE un réseau international d’organisations qui promeuvent la participation, le service et l’apprentissage,

- EDUQUER le public, les médias et les décideurs politiques aux contributions quotidiennes des jeunes en tant que leaders communautaires à travers le monde,

- MOBILISER la jeunesse et les adultes afin qu’ils mettent en commun les besoins de leurs communautés par le biais du volontariat et,

- APPRENDRE et partager des pratiques sur le service jeune, la voix des jeunes et l’engagement civique dans le monde aujourd’hui.


The 9th Annual GYSD will be held April 25-27, 2008

Global Youth Service Day is the largest annual celebration of young volunteers, where millions of young people in countries everywhere highlight and carry out thousands of community improvement projects. GYSD offers a way for local, national, and international organizations to:


  • BUILD the capacity of an international network of organizations that promotes youth participation, service, and learning;


  • EDUCATE the public, the media, and policy-makers about the year-round contributions of young people as community leaders around the world;


  • MOBILIZE youth and adults to meet the needs of their communities through volunteering; and


  • LEARN and share effective practices in youth service, youth voice, and civic engagement in the world today.


Quotes concerning the GYSD 2008 :

'Approaching the midpoint of the race to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, we need [young people's] participation more than ever. Their energy and idealism can help make up for lost ground and achieve our development goals in full and on time.'

Ban Ki-moon,
United Nations

'The United Nations can never succeed alone. Only by forming partnerships with governments, the private sector, and civil society around the world, can it change lives, save lives, strengthen democracy and human rights, and offer support, comfort, and protection to the poor, the sick, and the dispossessed. Volunteers are some of our most valued partners, and Global Youth Service Day celebrates the efforts of the youngest of them. These young people are not only the leaders of tomorrow; they can play a leading role in the development of their communities today. Let us hope that their good works today blossom into lifelong commitments that will benefit all the world's people.'

Kofi Annan,
Former Secretary-General,
United Nations


Young people who want to get involved are encouraged to contact the National Lead Agency in their country. They will help you find out what role you can play in the celebrations! You may wish to check out the to download a Toolkit or check out Project Ideas for you to find out how you can do a service project  or volunteer activity on Global Youth Service Day.


Earth Charter Youth Initiative.

The Earth Charter is a declaration of fundamental principles for building a just, sustainable, and peaceful global society in the 21st century. It is the result of an unprecedented global consultation and consensus building process, involving thousands of citizens and scholars. On the ground, the Earth Charter is a guide and inspiration to action projects, such as those conducted for Global Youth Service Day.

Un commentaire. Dernier par ssscwiik le 02-03-2008 à 06h02 - Permalien - Partager