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Youth Ahead!

Ambition et Action.

Youth Ahead! membre de Global Youth Action Network. Posté le Dimanche 2 Septembre 2007 à 20h43



ONG internationale basée à New York aux États-Unis, le Global Youth Action Network (Réseau mondial d'action des jeunes) a pour but de mettre en réseau des jeunes du monde entier pour les inciter à s'engager.

Le GYAN coordonne le Global Youth Service Day (Journée mondiale du volontariat des jeunes) et représente les jeunes aux Nations unies.

Le GYAN a des groupes locaux aux États-Unis, au Brésil, au Liban et en France.

The Global Youth Action Network (GYAN) is a youth-led organization that unites the efforts of young people working to improve our world. The Network connects many thousands of organizations in over 190 countries and a growing membership is now helping to shape the future direction of GYAN.

GYAN is dedicated to creating support and recognition for the voices, ideas and positive contributions of young people. Its programs are focused on improving citizenship, civic engagement and communities through youth leadership and positive action.

GYAN works to:
:: facilitate youth participation and intergenerational partnership in global decision-making;
:: support collaboration among diverse youth organizations; and to
:: provide tools, resources, and recognition for positive youth action.

GYAN believes that critical issues facing the planet demand every generation's attention and commitment; and that if we are to solve these problems in our life, then we must act, and combine our efforts to guarantee a future of peace, justice and sustainability.

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